Thursday 14 January 2016

Understanding Your Body-Type

Any clothing style will look different on different body-types. The fundamental behind the identification and creation of the clothing- style lies in the complete analysis and understanding of your body frame. The clothing style, hence, selected will fit out the best and also suit you the most. It, therefore, becomes necessary for you to identify your body type before you decide your clothing style.

Biologically, the body type of a person is a combination of muscles, bones, structures and genetics that remain pretty constant throughout the life. The measurement of the body may keep changing but the fundamental body- shape does not. Keep this key point in mind and select the dress designs that will radiate the best of you.

Always remember that every body-type has something to flaunt and highlight. The same body frame may also have something to hide. You should, therefore, concentrate more on the positive aspects of your body and focus on the ways to hide those minor body flaws. Select the body- part that you like to show -off and design an outfit around it and flaunt your body with confidence, grace and gaiety.

The Four General Body Types Of Women

The Rectangle body Type / Lymphatic / Banana
The Triangle body Type / Thyroid / Pear
The Tulip or Inverted Triangle body Type /  Android / Apple 
The Hour Glass body Type / Gynaeoid

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