Thursday 21 January 2016

Tips to buying the first bra for your little girl

There comes a stage in your daughter’s life when she will have to start wearing a bra. Some teens find the thought of slipping into a bra exciting while the rest find the idea embarrassing and wouldn’t think of even broaching the subject with you.
It becomes your responsibility as a parent to help her select her first bra. It is an emotional task, both for the mom and the teenager. The mom needs to deal with the fact that her daughter is growing into an adult, whereas the girl has a bunch of mixed feelings of leaving security of childhood and entering a new stage in life.
Here are a few tips to make this fun, embarrassing, terrifying all-in-one emotional shopping experience a successful one that is to be remembered over the years :
1) Talk it out
Talk it outThe first and foremost mistake that most mothers make with their daughters is not communicating with them right.
It is better you and your daughter talks to each other than have her discuss it with her peers. Start by talking to her about the changes in her body.
It might seem a bit embarrassing but it is better that she is informed.
Discus measurements fitting , sizes and all other facts she needs to know about her buying her first bra.

2) Remind her about the different shapes and sizes
Remind about shhape and size

Teenagers tend to idolize all the women that they see of television and in magazines.
Remind her about the fact that women come in all shapes and sizes and that she has to be comfortable and happy with her body.
Encourage her to determine her body shape and breasts and find the bra that suits her best. Remember to try on a few before you make up your mind.

3) Try to get her professionally fitted
Professionally fittedYou may know what’s best for your daughter but the market and online shops offer products out there for your daughter that you would not have heard or used in your time or age.
Let your daughter learn how to measure herself properly and start out on the right footing.
so that she get the right information about bras and their fitting from the start.
4) Be sensitive
Your daughter needs time to accept the changes to her body. Now is not the time to tease her or laugh about her body.
She can’t help but feel awkward about her budding breasts. These biological changes are not in her hands.
Do not ever tease her about her size, her desire to wear a bra or while shopping for one. Do not invite others to view this shopping experience.
It is personal and you have no right to tell anyone unless she agrees to it.
5) Type of bra
Type of bra

The sensible thing to do would be to buy your daughter trainer bras or camisoles if her budding breasts are not too obvious or grown.
They are usually thick and lined and provide the right coverage with modesty. Ask your daughter what her friends are wearing and try out what’s the trend.
Ask her what she would like to wear and suggest what you think would be most supportive.

6) It is about her
Frequent tripsYour daughter is going through a hell of a time adjusting to her changing body. So do not just buy what you think she should wear.
Respect her choices. Even if you think it is the ugliest piece there, let her buy it. She should feel good in what she wears.
7) Frequent trips
Again, since her body is constantly changing, she might not fit into her bras all the time. Keep a check on them.
Take her for frequent fittings and shopping trips so that she wears the right size with the right support always.

Happy shopping! Hope these tips help in making the process of choosing the First bra for your little girl memorable and a smooth one.

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